“Respect for ourselves guides our morals, respect for others guides our manners.” Laurence Sterne

“The time is always right to do what is right” Martin Luther King Jr

At Girnhill Infant School, we believe that PSHE is integral to supporting our pupil’s personal and social development in our diverse ever-changing community. Our core values are woven throughout our curriculum and school life to guide our pupils to become responsible, resilient and respectful members of society. We believe that when surrounded by a positive environment, that nurtures, supports and listens, we can enable our pupils to succeed to be considerate, positive and independent learners.

Our progressive curriculum is structured upon an overarching question, to enable our pupils to become healthy individuals that can recognise and respond appropriately to the complexity of relationships whilst preparing them for the wider world.

Lessons are planned to reflect the needs and experiences of our children, with a developed understanding that their emotional well-being can impact all aspects of their lives.

Our school community provides opportunities to promote and raise awareness of the British Values, develop their Social, Emotional, Spiritual and Cultural experiences and enable pupils to develop their self-worth and awareness of others.

We are always striving to ensure that every pupil continues to develop a strong moral compass, that they understand right and wrong and that they experience a rich curriculum which raises their personal aspirations.

We ensure that pupils develop their understanding in a safe environment where they are confident to ask questions that will help them make sense of the world around them.


At Girnhill, we provide children with a high-quality PSHE/ SMSC curriculum which equips pupils with the skills and knowledge to stay safe, healthy and prepared for life and work in Modern Britain.  Our aim is to provide inclusive and aspirational environments and learning experiences where pupils thrive and build the cultural capital they need to make aspirational choices about their own futures, overcoming any barriers and stereotypes.

PSHE/ SMSC is taught through the ambitious National Curriculum and the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework, enhanced and supplemented with the use of the SCARF Curriculum and the INSPIRE Progression model. This helps to support staff to plan small progressive steps in a specific coherent teaching sequence.

The PSHE/ SMSC curriculum provided at Girnhill Infant School is planned around the six core pillars underpinning the discipline of PSHE/ SMSC: Me and my relationships; Valuing difference; Citizenship; Growing up; Safety and Economic well-being

We are ambitious in our expectations of all pupils, ensuring cross curricular links are made to develop children holistically. We map out the National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Stage for PSHE into a coherent and sequential progression model that outlines the substantive knowledge, disciplinary knowledge, vocabulary and sentence stems needed at each stage. This will build commutatively towards learners being able to use and apply their knowledge, skills and understanding across a range of concepts. making purposeful links.

At Girnhill Infant School, oracy is a powerful tool for learning; by teaching children to become more effective speakers and listeners we empower them to better understand themselves, each other and the world around them. Vocabulary is purposeful and progressive to allow children to develop their expressive language and leave school being able to articulate their understanding of PSHE/ SMSC. Technical tiered vocabulary is modelled through flashcards and teacher talk using ‘my turn, your turn’. Sentence stems are used to provide children with a model of how to speak like a and scaffold their talk effectively. Questions are carefully planned in advance to target pre-empted misconceptions, address gaps in learning and enable children to develop their explanations of personal, social and emotional concepts.


We ensure that all teachers, including those who are non-specialists, have excellent subject knowledge and are supported in the implementation of the curriculum by providing a well sequenced scheme of learning.

Oracy is woven throughout PSHE as detailed in the progression grid. The progression grid outlines the oracy expectations of each year group. It also includes the tiered technical vocabulary all learners need to acquire and use in order to talk like a good citizen. This will be modelled using flash cards, teacher talk using ‘my turn your turn’ and opportunities are made for children to practice using the vocabulary throughout lessons in both guided and independent practice.

Suggested sentence stems are provided and used in order to scaffold responses. Opportunities for children to practise the skill of presentational talk will be further developed in PSHE/ SMSC through the use of mode B learning such as creating group presentations or Through using Rosenshine’s principles, learners have the opportunity to revisit and build on prior knowledge. Daily review is used at the beginning of every session in order to activate prior learning to attach new learning to. High-quality modelling of skills and language is offered to our children and scaffolds are provided for difficult tasks. Visual success criteria is provided for learners every lesson. Classroom working walls and knowledge organisers demonstrate prior learning, promote the vocabulary specific to current learning, worked modelled examples, success criteria and visual sentence stems



Learners demonstrate their ability to be empathetic to the needs of others.

Learners understand how to be a good citizen and what they can do to demonstrate these qualities.

Learners are able to talk about the PSHE curriculum and use the subject specific vocabulary